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How CBD Can Help You Get Back in Shape

cbd for fitness

The global pandemic has significantly affected all aspects of our life, including our workout regimens. Many of us have been spending too much time indoors, avoiding crowds, and even the gym, which used to be our favorite spot to perform the daily workout. 

You might have missed your workout sessions and fell out of shape In fear of getting infected with the deadly coronavirus. Now getting back to exercising may sound daunting when you no longer feel your best. Maybe you have even tried to get back on track but could only complete a part of the workout with hardship, and now all you can think of is that you become unfit. Struggling to get back into a workout routine is common, especially after such a prolonged time of isolation, so now you might start searching for solutions that will help bounce back after a long break from the workout. 

If you have already heard about hemp-derived CBD (cannabidiol), have tried it in the past, or are amongst CBD consumers, you may wonder how it can help you get back in shape. If so, here’s everything to know on how to pair CBD with your workout and successfully ease back into exercise. 

Can I Use CBD During My Exercise?

Thanks to its non-psychoactive nature, hemp-derived CBD became federally legal and accessible to millions of Americans in 2018. So, if you wonder if you can legally take CBD, then yes, CBD is federally legal per the 2018 Farm Bill.

CBD derives from the cannabis plant, so many who haven’t yet tried it wonder if CBD can get consumers high or provide them with any mind-altering symptoms. CBD is non-psychoactive, so if you worry it will get you high and negatively affect your workout session, there’s no reason to be concerned. CBD derives from the cannabis plant, specifically from hemp, which, unlike its cousin marijuana, is non-psychoactive.

Even Olympic athletes can now legally use CBD in and out of competition. It’s no longer considered a performance-enhancing substance, and in 2018 WADA removed it from the list of prohibited substances. The 2020 Tokyo Olympics was the first Olympic games where athletes could legally use CBD even before sports events without fear of disqualification.

How Does CBD Work?

CBD is one of the hundreds of cannabinoids in hemp. Plant-based cannabinoids are similar to human cannabinoids – endocannabinoids that exist in our endocannabinoid system (ECS). ECS plays an essential role in regulating different body processes through the interaction of endocannabinoids with ECS receptors. Because of the structural similarity of cannabis-derived compounds, when we consume CBD, it functions similarly to endocannabinoids and delivers its results by interacting with ECS receptors. CBD’s effects vary across consumers, and some use it for an energy boost, relaxation, mood, muscle soreness and recovery, general health, and aches/discomfort, amongst many other reasons.

Will CBD Help Me Get Back in Shape?

As mentioned above, CBD delivers varying outcomes amongst consumers, so it isn’t easy to estimate the precise results it will bring for you. However, if you succeed in achieving the desired results and feel more balanced after its use, CBD can help you get back on track. Many famous athletes have turned from opioids to CBD to deal with pain and discomfort, so if that’s something getting on your way, you might give it a try too to see if CBD can help.

How to Use CBD for Workout?

CBD is a wellness hit, so there’re numerous CBD-infused products already available on the market. They fall into three categories:

  • Oral CBD products
  • CBD topicals
  • CBD Vape Products

Oral CBD products come in CBD oils and tinctures, softgels, and edibles.

You can use these products before or after your workout, depending on your goals. Oils and tinctures provide fast results due to sublingual administration, so they’ll take only about 15 minutes to start delivering results. Softgels and edibles will need to go through the digestive tract before affecting your body, so ensure to take them at least an hour before exercise.

CBD Topicals work outside of the body, and you can apply them directly to the skin and joints in a localized area. They work by interacting with endocannabinoid receptors in your skin and start delivering results as soon as your skin absorbs CBD-infused topicals. You can use CBD topicals before, during, or after your workout sessions. Some topical products aren’t directly applied to the skin, like CBD bathbombs, but you can use them for a relaxing and soothing experience after the workout.

Which CBD Products are Best for Workout?

The best products in terms of CBD product types depend on your goals and lifestyle preferences. You can use oral products for CBD to work internally and use topicals to work outside of the body. Furthermore, you can safely combine CBD oral products and topicals.

Beyond selecting the proper form of CBD, it’s crucial to choose a product based on its quality. Although every CBD label claims to provide the best product on the market, that’s not the case 70% of the time. Low-grade, mislabeled CBD products can feature harmful elements or higher THC amounts and cause unwanted side effects and consequences.

To find a high-quality CBD product you can trust, always:

  • Check the brand’s reputation online
  • Check the ingredients, ensure CBD is hemp-derived and made from U.S.-grown hemp
  • Look for third-party lab test results confirming the ingredients and quality of a product

Choose Premium CBD Products at His Grace Organics

At His Grace Organics, we offer pure, safe, and effective CBD products proven in quality. Our products are made using state-of-the-art technology in our GMP-certified facilities and are third-party lab tested to ensure each product delivers the expected results. Here you can shop for pure, clean, and high-quality CBD that is safe and effective. 

Our CBD is:

  • Made from Non-GMO Organic Hemp, 
  • Premium Grade,
  • Made in the USA, 
  • 3rd Party Tested, 
  • Gluten-Free, 
  • Natural
  • Farm Bill Compliant, 
  • Pesticides Free, 
  • Free of Metals and Harsh Chemicals.

Get started today and receive the wellness innovation you can trust straight to your door!

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