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Will CBD Oil Result in a Positive Drug Test?

cbd oil on drug test result

Although CBD is federally legal, it legally contains small THC amounts that could theoretically make consumers false-positive tests for marijuana use. Find out more below.

CBD is booming in popularity. It seems like there has been an explosion, and CBD oil products landed everywhere, even on the shelves of grocery stores. If you’ve already consumed CBD oil or are about to give it a try, you may wonder if it can trigger a false positive drug test and how to avoid possible complications at the workplace due to CBD use.

Is CBD Legal?

To get started, let’s clear things up about CBD’s legality.

Although a cannabis compound, CBD is non-psychoactive; people don’t consume CBD oil to get high or feel euphoric. Moreover, it doesn’t derive from marijuana, which is federally illegal, but another type of cannabis plant – hemp. Hemp is non-psychoactive due to its chemical makeup. It’s abundant in CBD and has low THC amounts – the latter is why marijuana gets consumers high.

The 2018 Farm Bill removed hemp and its derivatives from banned substances, and CBD became available and accessible to millions of Americans. Therefore, you aren’t breaking any law by consuming CBD, as long as it contains the federally legal THC amount, which shouldn’t exceed .3%.

Do Drug Tests Screen for CBD?

No drug tests screen for CBD, as it’s a non-intoxicating, legal compound. So, CBD itself can’t become a reason for failed drug tests. The drug tests screen for THC metabolites that indicate marijuana use (but that’s not always the case.)

Do CBD Products Contain THC?

CBD products, per federal law, can legally contain up to .3% THC. It’s a non-psychoactive amount and naturally occurs in hemp, so when manufacturers extract CBD from hemp, low THC amounts naturally end up in the extract. However, not all CBD products contain detectable levels of THC. CBD extract falls into two categories – broad-spectrum and full-spectrum CBD. Broad-spectrum CBD extract undergoes a refining process to remove even trace THC amounts, while full-spectrum CBD extract features up to .3% THC.

The Primary Reasons for Possible False Positive Drug Test after Using CBD

Although CBD itself isn’t an illegal substance, even small amounts of THC in CBD products can theoretically leave THC metabolites in your body, causing a failed drug test. That’s why many people opt for broad-spectrum CBD or choose pure CBD products with no other cannabis elements in them. But even then, you may still end up testing positive for drug tests; here are the reasons why.

1.   Full-Spectrum CBD Products May Leave THC Metabolites in the Body

Even non-psychoactive THC amounts can leave metabolites in your body and be present from several days to several weeks, depending on the amount you’ve consumed, your body chemistry, and the frequency of usage. According to Mayo Clinic, THC metabolites can remain in the body for up to 15 days after last consumption among frequent users, but these numbers can vary based on the dosage. Because CBD has only small THC amounts, THC metabolites might remain in the body for much shorter times.

2.   Mislabeled CBD Products Might Contain High THC Amounts

Many CBD consumers who want to find safer alternatives and avoid possible consequences from full-spectrum CBD products opt for broad-spectrum CBD and CBD isolates. Unfortunately, even when the labels claim to have 0% THC content, that’s not always the case. In 2020, the FDA studied CBD products and revealed that most were mislabeled, and 21% contained THC. Even when you think you are consuming a better alternative to full-spectrum CBD, the product might contain higher than the legally allowed amount of THC. As a result, you will most likely test positive for marijuana use, even when you haven’t consumed any marijuana-derived products.

3.   Cross-Contamination

Unfortunately, it takes only small THC amounts to trigger a positive drug test. Although CBD derives from federally legal hemp, many CBD brands produce CBD and marijuana-derived products with high THC content. THC can contaminate CBD products even at the local dispensary if they sell both CBD and marijuana products.

How to Avoid Testing Positive for THC?

Although CBD consumption may pose a risk for positive drug testing, CBD is a legal cannabis ingredient, and it doesn’t mean you should avoid all CBD products altogether. Here are some tips to help:

1.   Stop Using CBD Products before an Upcoming Tests

At most jobs, employers have to give you two weeks’ written notice before testing, which provides you with enough time to clan your system from THC metabolites (if there are any from CBD products). Put on hold your CBD products once you receive the notice, and continue consuming them only after you’ve been tested.

2.   Look for Third-Party Lab Test Results

Anyone can claim to provide THC-free CBD products, but unfortunately, that’s not always true in the case of mislabeled CBD products. The best way to ensure a product doesn’t contain a higher amount of THC than indicated on the label is to see third-party lab test results and check for its THC content. Lab test results should be available on all reputable CBD brands’ websites.

3.   Shop Directly from CBD Brands

Finally, to avoid positive drug testing due to cross-contamination of CBD and THC, shop directly from reputable CBD brands that make only hemp-derived CBD products. That way, you can prevent consuming even small non-psychoactive THC amounts derived from marijuana products.

 In Conclusion:

 CBD in its pure form won’t trigger positive drug tests, and CBD is legal to use per federal law. However, CBD oil can legally contain trace amounts of psychoactive THC and leave THC metabolites in the body. If you have an upcoming workplace drug test, stop using CBD products to avoid unwanted consequences. To avoid consuming high THC amounts from mislabeled CBD products, always check for third-party lab test results confirming the indicated THC amount on the label. Finally, shop directly from reputable CBD brands that sell only hemp-derived products to prevent using cross-contaminated CBD products with THC.

About His Grace Organics

His Grace Organics is a premier CBD brand working with manufacturers that produce the highest quality hemp products in GMP Certified, and FDA registered facilities. All our products are healthy, effective, and safe, and tested at third-party laboratories.

Shop online at His Grace Organics.

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